Thomas Vernon
South Union Township Tax Collector
16 Dixon Blvd.
Uniontown, PA 15401
Phone: 724-438-1352
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Click for Map/Directions to the SUT Tax Collection Office
The real estate tax collection process of the Township entitles all taxpayers subject to the payment of real estate taxes to a discount of two percent (2%) from the amount thereof within two months after the date of the tax notices. Remittances between two (2) months and four (4) months are paid at face value. Thereafter, the penalty for late payment is 10 percent (10%) of the amount of the tax due.
Unpaid taxes after one year are turned over to the Fayette County Tax Claim Bureau. A tax sale is conducted on the property if settlement is not made within one additional year.
The Board of Supervisors establishes by resolution the rate of taxation for each year in accordance with the Second Class Township Code. The municipal real estate tax levy in 2004 for purposes of .6 mills. The township also collects the taxes listed below (shown with the tax rate) under authority of Act 511, PL. 1257 of 1965.
- Earned income tax is .5% for residents, and 1% for non-residents.
- Local Services Tax is $47.00.
- Real Estate Transfer Tax is .5%.
- Mercantile Tax is .5 of 1 mill wholesale, and .75 of 1 mill retail.
If you have questions about South Union Township taxes, please call the South Union Township Tax Collector's office at 724-438-1352.